Introducing BLAIR FRASER

Blair in his Sandspit studio working on the interactive installation using coloured boards made from wood and painted vinyl called ZEN-REMEMBRANCE in preparation for the now cancelled 2021 Art on the Shore Exhibition.
Who are you and what do you do? I'm Blair Fraser and I am a multi-media artist living in Sandspit. I have a background in horticulture and garden design. I come from a very artistic family so creating art and sculptures is a very natural and organic process for me. What does your art mean to you? It is everything, it is everywhere in my life. I can't ever imagine not doing something creative. I find inspiration in everything, and I am constantly amazed at how much art there is in everyday life, if you care to look. What materials do you use to create your work? I started out painting but really enjoyed the tactile quality of different materials (I like to get my hands dirty, being a gardener helps). So, I started to add paper, wood, plastic etc to my work - painting became sculptures. I very much like to work with clay, it has a life of its own and you can let it decide the final shape. Adding glaze is another art form altogether.

NEVER TO BE SEEN © Blair Fraser 2021 - Ceramic & Painted Organic Material
Are there specific subjects or themes you return regularly to your art? What are they and why?
I enjoy organic forms, things that form over time and evolve into something unexpected. This is particularly good for working with clay to form ceramic sculptures. I also like ordered designs and patterns especially those found in the Japanese culture. I am currently working with Zen patterns, both on clay and vinyl. My travels in Japan were very inspirational. I enjoy the duality in creating art, organic and ceramic, light and dark, order and chaos.